Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Articles usually comes before Noun. 通常是在名词的前面

An (Singular Noun, 单数名词) - Use before a Vowel (a, e, i, o and u) or Vowel Sound ( an hour, an university, an honour, an honest

A (Singular Noun, 单数名词) - General (not specific) - Any
*Important - A unicorn, A one ____

The (Singular and Plural Noun, 复数单数名词)
- Specific 特定
- 2nd time you talk about the same noun. Eg. I bought some fruit (uncountable noun). The fruit was bad.
- The speaker and listener (reader) both know.
- 1% of the countries. Eg. The United State of America, The United Kingdom, The United Arab Emirate,
- Use the if the country make up of tiny/small island, The Philippine, The West In, The Canadian Island,

Exercises (习题)
Please click Exercise 1
                   Exercise 2
                   Exercise 3

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