Thursday, September 11, 2014

Barbecue 烧烤

barbecue (n) 烤肉
foil (n) 鋁箔紙
coal (n) 木炭 
wire rack (n) 烤架 
steel tongs (n) 夾具
smoke (n) 煙
to grill (v) 烤
to marinate (v) 醃
BBQ sauce (n) 烤肉醬
sausage (n) 香腸
chicken wing (n) 雞翅
squid (n) 魷魚、透抽
shrimp (n) 蝦
clam (n) 蛤蜊
sweet potato (n) 蕃薯
corn on the cob (n. phr) 玉米
green pepper (n) 青椒
mushroom (n) 香菇
onion (n) 洋蔥
pomelo (n) 柚子

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